The RDRC’s EECDS Program congratulates the SYEP Youth on the successful enrollment into the RDRC administered, DYCD funded SYEP Summer Bridge 2020 Program.
Program Design
By now, you should have received an email from Hats & Ladders instructing you on how to get started in this remote
work experience. Please remember there is zero person to person contact. What that means is: You are not required to
submit timesheets to your Provider: Rockaway Development or any other document in person., nor will anyone request
to meet with you to distribute or retrieve any programmatic documents. Should this occur, please contact, Renee
McWilliams, Program Director, at 929, 354 7225 or Akela Monroe, Program Coordinator at 929-354-7214.
For more details: Download SYEP – Summer Bridge 2020 Orientation Document