As the State designated local development corporation serving the Rockaway peninsula, our goal is to assist businesses with technical assistance and advisory services, identify resources for small business development and growth, and encourage cooperation and collaboration amongst business owners.
Small Business Advisory Services
The New York Empire State Development Corporation, State University of New York and RDRC partnered to established a full service Rockaway Beach Small Business Development Center to assist the over 800 businesses located in the Rockaways.
Business Attraction
For businesses seeking to re-locate or expand into the Rockaways, our team works with commercial brokers and property owners to identify the best possible location for potential businesses.
Merchant Organizing
Local business participation is critical component RDRC’s plan to creating a thriving downtown Far Rockaway commercial-retail business district. RDRC in collaboration with NYC Councilman Donovan Richards and NYC Department of Small Business Services is actively organizing the over 200 local merchants located along Beach 20th Street, Central, Mott and Cornaga Avenues into the Rockaway East Merchants Association (REMA).
District Marketing
To assist us in our efforts to re-energize downtown Far Rockaway, the NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) have provided RDRC with complete access to local market data, district marketing resource materials, experienced staff and consultants.